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SUPPORT NETWORK ACTIVATION - Threats against groups accompanied by PBI

On this occasion, we are writing to selected contacts of PBI Guatemala Project Support Network to express our concern about a dramatic increase in SERIOUS THREATS against Guatemalan human rights defenders that we accompany. The threats are happening in the context of their work promoting economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and the right of indigenous peoples to be informed and consulted before approval is given to large-scale development projects that affect them and their lands.

Video: The Luis Carlos Pérez Lawyers' Collective: helping small farmers defend their rights

The Luis Carlos Pérez Collective (CCALCP) is composed of women human rights defenders who have been accompanying victims of human rights violations in Santander and the North of Santander for nine years. They offer legal assessment, and also investigate and denounce cases of human rights violations in Colombia. This video shows the work that they have been doing with a peasant community that has been approached by companies interested in coal exploration and extraction.

PBI Mexico: Judge gives condemnatory sentence to members of indigenous community radio station

David Valtierra Arango, Genaro Cruz Apóstol y Silverio Matías Domínguez, members of Radio Ñomndaa, a community project of the indigenous amuzgo group of Xochistlahuaca, Guerrero, have been condemned to three years and two months in prison, as well as the payment of a fine of 1,753 Mexican Pesos.

PBI has followed the legitimate and respected community work of Radio Ñomndaa for several years, and has previously expressed its concern for the security of its members, who have often reported harassment and aggressions against them.