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PBI supports Women Human Rights Defenders on International Women's Day

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Peace Brigades International – PBI – expresses its deepest support for the women who dedicate their lives to the defence and promotion of human rights. Women human rights defenders form a diverse group which includes journalists, community leaders, lawyers, health and education workers, trade-union activists and members of indigenous or marginalised communities, who work to defend these rights, very often in a context of risk to themselves and their families.

PBI Mexico: Marcelino Coache wounded in protests during presidential visit

Oaxaca.- In light of the visit of the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, on the 15th of February to the State of Oaxaca, a large demonstration organized by Section 22 of the Education Workers National Union (SNTE) in the main square of the capital erupted in clashes between protesters and security forces leaving teachers, social activists, journalists and various policemen injured. Marcelino Coache, union leader and former spokesman for the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO), was also seriously wounded.

Middle East and North Africa: PBI calls for protection of human rights defenders

Observing current events throughout the Middle East and North Africa, PBI stands with the world human rights community to call on authorities, and to remind all other governments around the world, to respect their people’s rights to peaceful and non-violent protest, and especially their freedoms of expression, assembly and association.

PBI directs particular attention to the role of human rights defenders, whose non-violent activities are critical to conflict resolution, stability and sustainable models of development in all countries.

January 2011 - PBI has closed its current phase of operations in Indonesia

PBI Public Statement

Peace Brigades International (PBI) has closed its current phase of operations in Indonesia as a result of a series of challenges and constraints during the past year that have severely limited its ability to effectively protect human rights defenders at risk. Our departure means the withdrawal of the last international human rights organisation from Papua after other organisations have had their operations disrupted.