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Human Rights Council: Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, 31 March 2010

The challenges faced by the Government of Colombia in providing peace, justice, security and economic opportunity to its citizens cannot be underestimated. Colombia has endured decades of armed conflict and gross human rights violations that have caused a protracted humanitarian crisis, social and political polarization and uneven economic growth. By the same token, Colombia has made significant progress since 2002.

Assessment of the protection needs of human rights defenders in Africa

Since 1981, Peace Brigades International (PBI) has protected human rights defenders and other organisations in many different countries to allow them greater freedom to work. However, despite receiving several requests and carrying out an assessment of the potential to work in Chad in 1993, PBI has never established a field project in Africa. In order to inform its future organisational strategy, PBI decided to carry out this study.

<media 6345>Download Africa PBI external report - PDF (288 Kb)</media>

Mexico Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for Sexual Violence and Torture Against Indigenous Woman

This Thursday, 15th of April, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights carried out the public audience of the case of the indigenous Me`phaa Inés Fernández Ortega, victim of torture and rape by Mexican soldiers in 2002. The case is the first of two brought forward by members of the Organisation of the Indigenous Me`phaa People (OPIM) and both Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú have been searching for justice and compensation for eight years.