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PBI concerned by surveillance and interception of human rights defenders communications

PBI concerned by surveillance and interception of human rights defenders communications

Peace Brigades International (PBI) is an international non-governmental organisation founded in 1981, which promotes the protection of human rights and peace by supporting the work of human rights defenders in Indonesia, Nepal, Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia.

As noted in the annual report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the human rights situation in Colombia, the Department of Administrative Security (DAS) engaged in illegal practices against members of civil society, the judiciary and the international community.[1] These illegal practices also extended to several European countries, and were directed against Colombians residing in Europe and European organisations. ‘Operation Europe’ is said to have targeted these Colombian citizens living abroad as well as Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and international organisations who work in defence of human rights in Colombia.[2]

There is evidence that several human rights defenders accompanied by PBI in Colombia have been victims of these actions carried out by the DAS.[3] ‘Operation Transmilenio’ targeted, amongst others, members of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers Collective and their families. The journalist and human rights defender Claudia Julieta Duque has also denounced surveillance and threats against both her and her daughter, wiretaps and interceptions of her communications, attempted attacks and many different forms of harassment detailed in the DAS files discovered by the Attorney General’s Office during their investigations of approximately 40 civil servants working at the DAS, including four of its former directors.

PBI expresses its profound concern in view of the public denunciations by Colombian and international organisations which indicate that state intelligence agencies continue to gather illegal intelligence.[4]

PBI rejects all abuse of intelligence whose objective is to impede the legitimate work of these individuals and organisations in defence and promotion of human rights in Colombia and expresses its solidarity with the organisations and persons who, as a result of this work have been victims of the aforementioned illegal operations. In the context of our mandate of international accompaniment and observation, PBI requests the full explanation and investigation of all crimes allegedly committed by the DAS and reiterates its commitment to the individuals and organisations that it protects through international accompaniment.

  1. “Informe anual de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Colombia”, OACNUDH, 4 de marzo de 2010. 
  2. ‘Colombia: Actividades ilegales del DAS’ Feredación Internacional de Derechos Humanos , Mayo 2010
  3. ibid.
  4. “Solicitan a Juan Manuel Santos que prevenga ataques contra miembros de una ONG colombiana Colombia”, EFE, 10 de septiembre del 2010,