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Civil Society Organizations urge Mexico to reject UPR recommendations that are contrary to human rights standards

  • Logo EPUCivil Society Organizations call on Mexico to accept all recommendations issued during the UPR, except those contrary to national and international standards.
  • CSOs urge the State to reject those recommendations which refer to hindering women`s access to sexual and reproductive health care and preventing same sex marriage.


ALERT: DETERIORATION IN HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN MONTE OLIVO. Urgent need to solve murders of two children and other attacks reported by the communities, as well as stop the ongoing violence.

The objective of this Alert is to bring attention to and share our concerns regarding the current situation of threats and violence in Monte Olivo, Cobán (Alta Verapaz). This situation has developed within the context of the construction of a hydroelectric plant on the Icbolay river (a tributary to the Chixoy river) near the junction of the rivers Dolores and Canguinic.

PBI Mexico: Civil society and authorities from Oaxaca discuss security and protection of human rights defenders

Mexico D.F., 31 January 2014. Today PBI observed a roundtable between human rights defenders and governmental authorities in Oaxaca. Gabino Cué Monteagudo, Governor of Oaxaca, presided over the meeting and heard directly from defenders their concerns, demands and proposals. This was the second roundtable between the Government and civil society to discuss the risk situation of human rights defenders. The first one took place in November 2013 at PBI's initiative.