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PBI Guatemala: Decision to cancel temporal residence permits of two volunteers of PBI Guatemala reserved

We are happy to be able to share some good news we have received today: The cancellation of the temporary residence permits of two volunteers of the Peace Brigades International (PBI) Guatemala Project has been reversed.1

After a meeting held between the Interior Minister, Mr Mauricio López Bonilla and the diplomatic personnel of various European embassies, we have been informed that the situation was down to an unfortunate misunderstanding with regards to the identity of the named individuals.

PBI Mexico: Paso del Norte HRC achieves the liberation of men tortured and falsely accused of extortion

June 24, 2014, Mexico City.- On June 10, the Paso del Norte Human Rights Center (PdNHRC), an organization accompanied by Peace Brigades International (PBI), released a statement about the absolution of brothers Juan Antonio Figueroa Gomez and Jesus Ivan Figueroa Gomez, and Misael Sanchez Fausto.