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CSO: Essential that commitments made by Mexico in the Universal Periodic Review translate into real changes in the country

  • Mexico UPR 2013 logoCivil society organizations express alarm that Mexico has once again rejected UPR recommendations to eliminate arraigo.
  • Likewise, Mexico did not accept the recommendation regarding jurisdiction of the Committee on Enforced Disappearance.
  • Organizations await the creation of a follow-up mechanism to implement accepted recommendations.

Ten years of the European Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders

On 20 February, PBI participated in the Seminar for European Union Delegations' Focal Points on Human Rights, which took place in Brussels and was organized by the European External Action Service (EEAS). The purpose of our participation was to share best practices and to illustrate the challenges we have observed over the 10 years since the implementation of the European Union Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders began.

Wind farms and concerns about human rights violations in Oaxaca

Mexico City, 14 March 2014. PBI Mexico publishes a new briefing on the construction of wind farms in Oaxaca and the concerns over human rights violations in the context of megaprojects in the state. The briefing details the context of wind energy investment in Oaxaca and how this affects local communities, as well as the situation of risk facing those human rights defenders who oppose such projects.

CSO: Mexico's round of evaluation before the international community

Mexico City, 14 March 2014. Mexican and international organizations extend an invitation to follow Mexico's round of evaluation before the international community taking place next week. In Brussels, Mexico and the European Union will carry out their high level dialogue on human rights. In Geneva, Mexico will appear before the United Nations Human Rights Council to announce which recommendations from the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) it accepts.

PBI participates in Ten years of the European Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders seminar

On 20 February, PBI participated in the Seminar for European Union Delegations' Focal Points on Human Rights, which took place in Brussels and was organized by the European External Action Service (EEAS). The purpose of our participation was to share best practices and to illustrate the challenges we have observed over the 10 years since the implementation of the European Union Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders began.

Ten years of the European Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders

On 20 February, PBI participated in the Seminar for European Union Delegations' Focal Points on Human Rights, which took place in Brussels and was organized by the European External Action Service (EEAS). The purpose of our participation was to share best practices and to illustrate the challenges we have observed over the 10 years since the implementation of the European Union Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders began.