PBI Mexico: PBI launches its new report at round tables for HRDs, Mexican authorities and the diplomatic corps
Mexico City- 8 April 2013.
Mexico City- 8 April 2013.
Opposition to the wind-power project in San Dionisio del Mar
In March 8th we received notice of the cruel Front for Struggle (FNL), the Coordination of Popular, Indigenous, Religious, Workers' and Campesino Organisations of the Oriente (COPIISCO) and the Camotán Campesino Association of the department of Chiquimula, municipality of Camotán. According to the information received he was killed by shots fired from another vehicle on his return from a trip from Honduras.
Defend Human Rights in the Americas!
Human rights are still being violated in the Americas today. When countries fail to defend their own citizens the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights stand up to defend their rights. The Inter-American Human Rights System (IAS) is the last hope for justice for millions of people in the region.
Press Release
National Network Communication and Urgent Action of WHRDs (Red Nacional de Comunicación y Acción Urgente de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos en México)
Press Release
Oaxaca, Oax.- In the Isthmus of Tehuantepec tension has risen among communities which are resisting the entry of a wind energy company.
Since december 2012, PBI Guatemala has been contacting members of our support network to inform of our concerns regarding various aspects of the situation in Guatemala, including forced evictions and violent actions taking place within the context of investment projects that are being undertaken without prior consultation and consent from those affected.