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In reaction to the murder of CARLOS HERNÁNDEZ, human rights defender accompanied by PBI during previous years

In March 8th we received notice of the cruel Front for Struggle (FNL), the Coordination of Popular, Indigenous, Religious, Workers' and Campesino Organisations of the Oriente (COPIISCO) and the Camotán Campesino Association of the department of Chiquimula, municipality of Camotán. According to the information received he was killed by shots fired from another vehicle on his return from a trip from Honduras.

Forced evictions and economic investment projects without consultation: Concerns and requests directed to the international community for protection of human rights defenders

Since december 2012, PBI Guatemala has been contacting members of our support network to inform of our concerns regarding various aspects of the situation in Guatemala, including forced evictions and violent actions taking place within the context of investment projects that are being undertaken without prior consultation and consent from those affected.