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Marco Baumgartner

Submitted by Hannah on

I was a volunteer in the Guatemala project and since then I follow closely the work of PBI, which is very important for the people who fight every day for their rights.

Marco Baumgartner
Guatemala, 2014-2015

Jessica Garcia

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has impacted my way of thinking at the level of my political involvement. PBI’s work is important to make visible and know the order of the world economy that contributes to the exploitation of certain populations and to generate awareness and change and solidarity with the people who suffer from this exploitation.

Jessica Garcia

Mònica Pérez Masoliver

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has impacted me because during the year I gave my best  and I had the opportunity to be in the field and learn from the team as well as from the people and organizations we accompanied. I developed communication, strategy, empathy and teamwork skills. A real political school

Mònica Pérez Masoliver
Colombia and Estado Español, 2012-ahora

Mar Saiz

Submitted by Hannah on

Protective accompaniment is effective and necessary. Collaborating with PBI has changed many beliefs that I had, personally I have learned other ways to manage conflicts, non-violent communication, and manage psychosocial impacts

Mar Saiz

Christa Hijkoop

Submitted by Hannah on

I will always have much admiration for the defenders, I feel it as a privilege to have the opportunity to meet and accompany them, to share experiences with them. In spite of many serious difficulties they continue their struggle. It is an example for me.

Christa Hijkoop
Guatemala, 2012-2012

Arianna Bizzoni

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has trained me and given me experience in the defense of human rights in Mexico, where I still live today.

Arianna Bizzoni
Mexico, 2014-2019

Kath Nygard

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has been a school, where I learned a lot of new skills, but also where we generated a family and a network of people committed to the defense of human rights.

Kath Nygard
Colombia, 2003-now

Sonia Pacheco

Submitted by Hannah on

I think it is extremely important to accompany and make visible the work of human rights defenders for the construction of peace, justice and care for the environment

Sonia Pacheco