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Carla Cavarretta

Submitted by Hannah on

Opening spaces of peace for women and men defenders seems to me necessary and urgent, they are the last bastion of civilization in this world.

Carla Cavarretta
Mexico, 2008-now


Submitted by Hannah on

Working with PBI made me change my way of seeing the world and also labor organizations. I was very inspired by the horizontality of the organization and the non-violent communication it promotes, always based on love

Colombia, 2016-2019

Melissa May

Submitted by Hannah on

There is a before and an after PBI. It has made me grow personally and professionally

Melissa May
Mexico, 2015-2021

Jorge Palomeque

Submitted by Hannah on

I can say that PBI’s work is important, beyond my opinion, based on the testimony of the human rights defenders that PBI has accompanied specifically in Guatemala, where I had the opportunity to be a volunteer

Jorge Palomeque
Guatemala, 2009-2011

Susanna Lange 

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI’s work is so important for you to see and feel what is happening and how you can act to open spaces and change it a little bit!

Susanna Lange 

Stephanie Brause

Submitted by Hannah on

During my time at PBI I have learned not only to listen to the defenders, but also to each person on the team and probably most importantly to myself, beginning to better understand my thoughts, emotions and actions as well as my strengths and weaknesses. My volunteering with PBI will always be an essential part of my life because it made me the person I am today.

Stephanie Brause
Guatemala, 2016-2017

Martin Gómez

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has made me aware of things that were not there before, among others, that it is possible to work in a horizontal organization and be productive and do things well

Martin Gómez

Meike Wolter

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI’s work is important because it provides protection for human rights defenders. It has impacted me on several levels: on a personal level by living with the team, on a work level by acquiring a lot of new knowledge and skills

Meike Wolter,
Honduras, 2019-2020

Roberto Meloni

Submitted by Hannah on

In the field it has been very nice to be able to meet the men and women we accompanied, but also to see how such a small organization can do such a complete and relevant work

Roberto Meloni,
Guatemala, 2016-2017