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Laura Gomariz

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI’s work is important because the defenders feel safer with the accompaniment without invading their space

Laura Gomariz

Catherine Verbruggen

Submitted by Hannah on

I think it is important to defend the people who defend, it has allowed me to know closely the work of the social movement in El Salvador. Then I got involved in an NGO, in a free radio station, in the social movement of my neighborhood, irala, in Bilbao, and now especially with refugees, in Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak

Catherine Verbruggen
El Salvador, 1991-1992

Antonio Pérez

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI’s work is important because it creates the right spaces for human rights defenders to fight with dignity for the causes they defend

Antonio Pérez


Submitted by Hannah on

I am absolutely convinced of the good work of PBI and of the need for the persistence of non-violent work for the respect of human rights and the defense of the different struggles. I also respect the different organizations accompanied by PBI

Mexico, 2006-2007


Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has given me the opportunity to cross the path of people who defend Life. And now that I am at a moment in my life when I think I have to choose between believing and not believing, having crossed their paths gives me the possibility to choose: I do want to believe.



Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has made me a better person, it has trained me as an activist and as an agent of social intervention, and through PBI I have met people and experienced situations that I will always carry in my heart

Guatemala, 1995

Ralf Meyer

Submitted by Hannah on

It has given me another view of my home country and the knowledge of a different culture.

Ralf Meyer


Manon Muti

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI provided me with knowledge in human rights and protection of human rights defenders that no other organization has given me. It has allowed me to grow intellectually and humanely, and to meet people and social movements that have enriched me greatly. Working in an international team also gave me a lot of humility and resilience, as I learned to work in a team on a daily basis. 

Manon Muti
Honduras, 2014-2015