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Chris Coelle

Submitted by Hannah on

I became a better person because I volunteered in a project and dedicating 3 years to PBI was an investment

Chris Coelle

Rubens Carvalho

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI was a great experience for me as it offered the opportunity to be close to human rights issues and learn from defenders

Rubens Carvalho
Mexico, 2011-2013

Brandon McNally

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI’s work is important because they empower important human rights change from the ground up. By focusing on grassroots actors PBI is helping create space for these actors in political spheres, where they voices are direly needed. 

Brandon McNally
Kenya, 2016-2017; 2019-now

Uli Krause

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI reaches people pursuing a noble cause that would otherwise be overlooked

Uli Krause
Indonesia, 2002-2003


Submitted by Hannah on

PBI’s work is unique, professional and effective. I felt a huge impact while and after being in the field: I feel that I understand the entanglement of things more, I feel that I am much more dedicated to make this world a better place 


Inka Stock

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has shaped my professional career and has deepened my understanding for dinamics of oppression and activism in the face of authoritarian governmental structures. I think in this way, PBI has certainly contributed to make me the person I am today

Inka Stock
Colombia, 1997-1998