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International Human Rights Day: PBI stands in solidarity with defenders worldwide

On International Human Rights Day, 10 December 2012, PBI reaffirms its solidarity with human rights defenders around the world, and its commitment to the promotion of human rights and the protection of those who struggle in the face of threats to nonviolently uphold the rights of their communities.

The courage, strength, perseverance and resilience of these brave men and women continues to humble and inspire all of us at PBI.

Please help us to continue protecting human rights defenders by making a donation today.

Standing in solidarity with women human rights defenders worldwide

On the occasion of November 29th, Women Human Rights Defenders Day, the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition stands in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of women activists around the world who – with exemplary courage, determination, and strength, uphold women’s human rights, the rights of communities, and of the environment.

View the full WHRD IC statement

PBI Mexico: PBI Mexico expands international accompaniment to northern states of Mexico

During the biannual strategic meeting of the Mexico Project (MEP) of Peace Brigades International (PBI), held this October, PBI Mexico has decided to open a new regional team during 2013 to address the situation of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in the states of Chihuahua and Coahuila. This decision is the result of an exploratory mission carried out in 2012.

CSO: Mexican human rights and freedom of expression organisations make progress in the establishment of the first mechanism that will protect HRDs and journalists

Press release

Mexico City 19 October 2012.- Launched this morning: The Consultative Council designed to protect human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists when their lives are threatened as a result of their professional activity.