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PBI Mexico: INVITATION "The responsibility of the Mexican state to ensure the safety of human rights defenders and journalists"

PBI Mexico: INVITATION "The responsibility of the Mexican state to ensure the safety of human rights defenders and journalists"

PBI Mexico invites you to the following event:

"The responsibility of the Mexican state to ensure the safety of human rights defenders and journalists"
Continuity and challenges in implementing the protection mechanism

On the International Day of Human Rights, PBI Mexico invites you to an event on the current risk of human rights defenders and journalists in Mexico, and the status of implementation of the Protection Mechanism for these populations. Representatives of the Civil Society Organisations Group will reflect upon the process of creating this instrument and outline the challenges which lie ahead regarding its implementation.

The event will include a public presentation of PBI Mexico's new video "Implementing the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists" and the new Amnesty International report "Transforming pain into hope".

The Law for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, was unanimously approved by the Mexican Congress on April 30, 2012. The initiative, promoted by civil society organisations, responds to the serious risk facing human rights defenders and journalists in Mexico: threats, harassment, attacks and murders related to their work. In November this year the Protection Mechanism should officially begin to function and civil society organisations have identified challenges regarding its implementation, especially given Mexico's new political context.

The event will take place on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Doors open at 10:30 am to start at 11:00 am
Museum of Memory and Tolerance
(Plaza Juárez, Historic Centre,
In front of the Hemiciclo Juarez in the Alameda Park,
beside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Mexico City

Participating in the panel:

  • Agnieszka Raczynska, Executive Secretary of the National Network of Civil Human Rights Organisations "All Rights for All" (RED TdT)
  • Brisa Solis Maya, Director of the National Center for Social Communication (CENCOS)

  • Daniel Zapico, Mobilisation and Impact Coordinator of Amnesty International in Mexico

  • Mtra. Lía Limón García, Under Secretary for Legal Matters and Human Rights in the Interior Ministry (Segob)

Moderating the event:

  • Ben Leather, Advocacy Coordinator of Peace Brigades International - Mexico Project

Later there will be a space for participants to give interviews and provide more detailed information about the process and the work of civil society organisations in the Protection Mechanism.


For more information
Graciela Martínez González
Communication and Publications Coordinator
Peace Brigades International - Mexico Project
Tel: 55142855
Cel: 5548276338