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New PBI documentary on defense of the land in Latin America (trailer)

Mexico City, 8 July 2015.- Today, 8 July, PBI, together with the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) participated in a session of the EU Council's Working Group on Human Rights to discuss protection mechanisms for human rights defenders working within the context of European large-scale investment projects. The intervention began with the presentation of a video which narrates the stories and the situation of risk of HRDs working on land rights issues in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Colombia.

The missing joy of Mother's Day

Not every family can celebrate Mother's Day in the same way. In Mexico, thousands of mothers spend the 10th of May like any other day: searching for their loved ones and demanding authorities to investigate the disappearances. This Sunday, like last year, volunteers of Peace Brigades International (PBI) will accompany the "March for Dignity" in Mexico City. Regarding the occasion PBI published this analysis.

Conclusions of the third seminar between civil society in the context of the High-Level Dialogue on Human Rights between the European Union and Mexico

Mexico City, 16 April 2015.- After another bilateral High-Level Dialogue on Human Rights between the European Union (EU) and Mexico, Civil Society Organizations from both the EU and Mexico presented their conclusions which may be consulted here (available only in Spanish).