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I would like to become an intern/volunteer in a country group office.


The International Office and country groups sometimes have opportunities for volunteering in their offices or supporting their work in other ways. Please contact your local country group directly to find out about available volunteer opportunities.

Opportunities to volunteer with the international office are always published on our website and social media accounts. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider unsolicited volunteer applications.


How can I become a volunteer on a PBI team in the field?


Check this list to see if you live in a country which has a Country Group.

  • If there is a country group where you live, please contact them to find out how you can get involved. Many groups organise introductory trainings on the philosophy, mandate and principles and the work of PBI which will provide an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of PBI’s work in order to decide whether you would like to move on to joining a team or getting involved in PBI in another way.
  • If you live in a place where there is no PBI country group, or if you are interested in volunteering in a specific country, you can contact the office of the project you would like to join directly.
  •  If you are considering joining a project, please consult with the Project Office about visa restrictions and the ‘Own Country Rule’, which states that individuals cannot volunteer in a PBI project in their own country for reasons of non-partisanship and security.

To find out more about volunteering with PBI, please see for comprehensive information.

How can I become a PBI supporter?


There are many ways you can support PBI.

You can stay informed of PBI’s work by visiting us on the web at or following us on facebook, instagram, twitter and linkedin.

Can PBI start a field presence in my country?


If you have not been involved with PBI before, unfortunately it is unlikely we would have the capacity to support you in the creation of a new country group. Please try to volunteer with PBI first in order to learn about the organisation.

If you are a former PBI volunteer, please write to us at for more information and help to set up a country/associate group

PBI calls on the Mexican Government to take the actions required to guarantee the security of Cristina Auerbach and the Pasta de Conchos Family Organization

Mexico City, 31 March 2016.– Due to the recent intimitadion and slander suffered by the Human Rights Defender Cristina Auerbach, PBI calls on the Mexican Government to take the actions required to guarantee her security and the one of the other members of the Pasta de Conchos Family Organization. Likewise, PBI requests Mexican authorities to publicly recognise the legitimate work carried out by the Organisation.


Justice for Berta Cáceres and Nelson Noé Garcia, Protection for Gustavo Castro Soto

The organizations forming the Network of Organizations of International Accompaniment and Observation condemn the assassination of human rights defender Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores- indigenous Lenca, general coordinator of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), and winner of the Goldman Prize for the environment (2015).

I Think, Therefore I Resist: Experiences of Defence and Promotion of Human Rights in Contexts of Large Scale Investments

Mexico City, 25 March 2016.– PBI accompanies a number of Human Rights Defenders who work in contexts of large scale development projects and thus decided to publish a gathering of some experiences.
Read it (in Spanish) here:

JOINT STATEMENT: Justice for Berta Caceres and Nelson Garcia, Protection for Gustavo Castro

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, 23 March 2016.– The NGOs part of the Network of International Accompaniment and Observation Organizations condemn the killings of Human Rights Defenders Berta Caceres and Nelson Garcia, and demand protection for Gustavo Castro.


Download and read the full statement in Spanish here: