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Activism and health: protecting women through psychosocial support

Only those who are healthy can work with all their strength for human rights. If political and social violence is part of everyday life, the commitment to peace is risky and emotionally stressful. Women also often have to fight against traditional role models. Learn in an interview with Tanja Vultier why psychosocial and gender-sensitive support is so important for human rights defenders. 

Now more than ever, we must all defend human rights

In this extraordinary time of uncertainty, fear and instability, Peace Brigades International (PBI) extends our solidarity to all of you who are struggling to remain optimistic in the face of such unique and global challenges.

PBI remains convinced that solidarity, empathy and connection can help us overcome this historic moment and perhaps remind us of the importance of these fundamental human characteristics in the construction of fairer societies based on respect, tolerance and inclusion of all voices.

Protecting defenders

PBI launches new project to support Nicaraguan defenders in exile in Costa Rica

Peace Brigades International has launched an accompaniment project for Nicaraguan organizations, social groups and individual human rights defenders exiled in Costa Rica.  The project seeks to accompany those who have been forced to leave their country due to the escalated political violence but who maintain links with Nicaraguan human rights movements and hope to return once conditions improve.