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Amnesty International urgent action : Norma Cruz - Sobrevivientes.

Amnesty International has issued an appeal for urgent action for Norma Cruz, director of the Guatemalan foundation 'Sobrevivientes' (Survivors), her collegues and family who have suffered acts of intimidation as well as death threats.


You can view further information about the case on the Amnesty website:

IPS: COLOMBIA: Oil Palms, Right Abuses Hand in Hand in Northwest

Article published by Inter Press Service, September 2008.

BOGOTA, , Sep 5 (IPS) - As of this week, there is one less human rights defender in the northwestern Colombian region of Bajo Atrato. Jimmy Jansasoy of the Inter-Church Justice and Peace Commission was forced to flee the area, where oil palm plantations have encroached on the collectively-owned jungle territories of traditional black communities.

Washington Post: Witness Ties Colombian General to Paramilitaries

MEDELLIN, Colombia -- Gen. Mario Montoya has for years been a trusted caretaker of the sizable aid package Washington provides Colombia's army, leading helicopter-and-commando teams that eradicated drug crops and helping orchestrate this summer's dramatic rescue of hostage Ingrid Betancourt and three captured U.S. defense contractors from Marxist rebels.