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BBC: Toxic fallout of Colombian scandal

The toxic fallout of a grisly army scandal continues to spread in Colombia, as more soldiers are arrested over their alleged roles.

In recent days another three colonels have been arrested, bringing the total number of military personnel captured to at least 22.

The "false positives" scandal has revealed that the army murdered civilians, who were then dressed in rebel uniforms or given guns. They were then presented as guerrillas or paramilitaries killed in combat.

Front Line announces the nominees for the Front Line Award 2009

Today in Dublin Front Line was joined by parliamentarians from the main political parties, and both the Irish and European parliaments, to show their support for the courage and struggle for human rights of four outstanding human rights defenders. Danilo Rueda from Colombia, Yaena Solaemae from Thailand, Dr Yuri Melini from Guatemala and Samuel Mohochi from Kenya have been selected by the Front Line jury as the shortlisted nominees for the Front Line Award 2009.

2009 Recipient of Amnesty International’s Ginetta Sagan Award for Women’s and Children’s Rights: Yolanda Becerra Vega

When peace comes to Barrancabermeja, people in Colombia say, peace will come to Colombia.

No one understands the truth of this saying better than women's rights activist Yolanda Becerra Vega, national director of Popular Women's Organization, which helps women - especially the millions of internally displaced persons - resist the deadly effects of their nation's long-running civil war.