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PBI Nepal monitoring Tibetan protests

PBI Nepal monitoring Tibetan protests

Tibetans arrested while protesting for their rights

In the capital, during the lead-up to the Beijing Olympics, the large community of Tibetan exiles is making itself heard, with frequent street demonstrations, protests at the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu, and on July 1st, an attempted March to the Tibetan border. The Tibetans are often detained by Nepali authorities, then released that evening or the next morning, though some have been charged criminally or detained for longer.  Nepali authorities have been sharply criticized for excessive use of force in dealing with Tibetan protestors, and in June, a number of foreign governments, including the UK, Canada, Australia, France, issued a joint objection to the Nepali government.

To support the rule of law, freedom of assembly and expression, PBI-Nepal provides a monitoring presence at street demonstrations and protests. In cooperation with local human rights organizations and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, PBI-Nepal ensures that there is an international protective presence at demonstrations, to deter use of excessive force, to remind the authorities of their obligations to uphold human rights standards, and to show the public more generally that the international community is taking an active interest in Nepal's developing human rights record.

In our ongoing work to support Advocacy Forum, the PBI team has accompanied AF lawyers in their visits to police detention centres, including those where Tibetan refugees are being detained.  AF challenges illegal detentions, documents incidents of torture and ill-treatment, and ensure that detainees receive legal and medical aid.

The developing work on street demonstrations is one example of how PBI-Nepal maintains its important traditional work with human rights defenders, while also responding to the new needs of civil society in Nepal.