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“As a woman activist, feminist, environmentalist, and human rights defender for the past 19 years, I never imagined that I would have to leave my country to save my life in the face of death threats for the simple fact of having protested civically and peacefully.

I witnessed and experienced firsthand the brutal repression against the Nicaraguan people. I was in the streets with the young people, I saw injured young people and I gave them first aid. It was very painful because some of them needed hospital care but they ordered us to close the hospitals and we could not save them.

These three years in exile have been synonymous with resistance. Arriving here with nothing, without the possibility of accessing jobs related to my career, experiencing discrimination and xenophobia, and a pandemic adding to my pain, has been difficult. But as a student of life, I have learned to survive with dignity, becoming more resilient, strengthening my capacities and discovering new talents and skills, in entrepreneurship for example.

Sometimes I find it difficult to continue, I get tired of so much violence, I am afraid, I break down, but then I remember that exile allows me to be free and alive, so I cannot remain silent, especially now when I do not know the whereabouts of my recently disappeared brother, and when I see how all my people continue to be besieged and persecuted, without the possibility of denouncing for fear of reprisals. In this sense, exile has made me stronger.

At the same time, in exile, beautiful things have also happened, such as meeting other Nicaraguan defenders with whom I was not close in my country. In the midst of the pain, to be able to embrace each other, to be with each other, to listen to each other, to form networks, to strengthen each other and to exercise resistance together has been a great relief.

More than ever Nicaragua needs those of us who defend human rights. Here I am, breathing the strength of nature, raising my voice for my brother, for my family, for my free Nicaragua and for myself”.
