PBI provides protection and supports individuals, communities, movements, and organisations that defend human rights through protective physical accompaniment, international observation, advocacy efforts, awareness raising, and capacity sharing.
Human rights defenders–courageous people who stand up for the rights and dignity of their communities because they believe in peace and justice for all–are at the heart of all we do. We use our international presence and global networks to protect, support, and enable the work of human rights defenders and local activists for peaceful social change.
We provide protection, support, and recognition to local human rights defenders who work in areas of repression and conflict and have requested our support. We help human rights defenders make links with others and raise awareness of the issues they face.
We advocate at all levels–from the soldier at a local checkpoint to national governments and international bodies such as the UN–for international human rights accountability. Our international volunteers send a powerful message that the world is watching and prepared to act.
PBI works in countries where communities experience violent conflict, intimidation, or repression. Our unique approach combines on-the-ground expertise and local knowledge with international advocacy, ensuring that human rights defenders can continue their work, contributing to social justice and peace, in relative safety.
We always work at the request of defenders and in response to their needs. We avoid imposing, interfering, or getting directly involved in the work of the people we accompany. We don’t provide financial support or development aid to the organisations we work with. Our work is effective because we take an integrated approach, combining a presence on the ground alongside human rights defenders with an extensive network of international support.
The Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN)
The International Office for Human Rights Action on Colombia (OIDHACO)
Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRDIC)