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Jessica Garcia

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has impacted my way of thinking at the level of my political involvement. PBI’s work is important to make visible and know the order of the world economy that contributes to the exploitation of certain populations and to generate awareness and change and solidarity with the people who suffer from this exploitation.

Jessica Garcia

Montse Garcia

Submitted by Hannah on

I have been with PBI in different roles since 1996. It’s a lifelong activism in my case

Montse Garcia
Guatemala, 1997-1998

Vera Top

Submitted by Hannah on

Without respect for human rights, we have nothing - we have no voice, no power, no possibilities. That’s why I think PBI’s work is very important.

Vera Top
Guatemala, 1998-1999
Mexico, 2001

Alvaro Zaldivar

Submitted by Hannah on

It allowed me to get to know a very well planned and organized way of working as a team and network, and gave me the opportunity to meet extraordinary people and communities (defenders)

Alvaro Zaldivar
Guatemala, 2011-2012

Jorge Palomeque

Submitted by Hannah on

I can say that PBI’s work is important, beyond my opinion, based on the testimony of the human rights defenders that PBI has accompanied specifically in Guatemala, where I had the opportunity to be a volunteer

Jorge Palomeque
Guatemala, 2009-2011

Kathrin Rüegg

Submitted by Hannah on

For me, the 13 months with PBI Guatemala have had a huge impact. I have learned a lot in almost all professional and life aspects. I have been able to do something that I found really useful and fulfilling and I have met friends that even 10 years later remain close.

Kathrin Rüegg
Guatemala, 2011-2012

Kathi Dunkel

Submitted by Hannah on

I see PBI’s work as a way of being able to help, without being patronizing, but very conscious of my privileged position

Kathi Dunkel
Guatemala, 2011-2012

Stephanie Brause

Submitted by Hannah on

During my time at PBI I have learned not only to listen to the defenders, but also to each person on the team and probably most importantly to myself, beginning to better understand my thoughts, emotions and actions as well as my strengths and weaknesses. My volunteering with PBI will always be an essential part of my life because it made me the person I am today.

Stephanie Brause
Guatemala, 2016-2017