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Dan Slee

Submitted by Hannah on

By building solidarity with the peace community, with PBI and our international support network, two rural families of limited means had managed to walk, completely unarmed into paramilitary-controlled territory and reclaim their belongings from a squadron of heavily armed soldiers

Dan Slee
Colombia, 2013

Hannah Matthews

Submitted by Hannah on

I feel hugely privileged to have had the opportunity to work alongside the Colombian human rights defenders who are at the forefront of demanding change in their country. Their voices are important reminders of the bravery needed to confront injustice and to fight for improvements. 

Hannah Matthews
Colombia, 2014-2017

Janey Skinner

Submitted by Hannah on

There were many small indications that illustrated what everyone had been telling us: That international humanitarian presence can help keep open a political space for which many people are struggling and even giving their lives

Janey Skinner
Colombia, 1985

Manuel Müller

Submitted by Hannah on

The Coronavirus crisis has led to a lowering of the guard on human rights violations, both in the media and in state institutions. This is another reason why it is extremely important that PBI continues its work in a rigorous manner.

Manuel Müller
Colombia, 2019-2020

Christine Gerdts

Submitted by Hannah on

I will never forget the encounters with people and communities that have resisted war for decades, to build structures of solidarity, fight against impunity, create sustainable small-scale farming and build critical educational projects. These encounters inspire me for my future, politically active life!

Christina Gerdts
Colombia, 2018-2019

Nathalie Bienfait

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has changed my life and who I am, I learned a lot, I am more patient, I listen better and more actively, I am more conscientious

Nathalie Bienfait
Colombia, 2015-2021


Submitted by Hannah on

Working with PBI made me change my way of seeing the world and also labor organizations. I was very inspired by the horizontality of the organization and the non-violent communication it promotes, always based on love

Colombia, 2016-2019

Kath Nygard

Submitted by Hannah on

PBI has been a school, where I learned a lot of new skills, but also where we generated a family and a network of people committed to the defense of human rights.

Kath Nygard
Colombia, 2003-now