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Video: Bearers of hope - Risks and challenges for human rights lawyers in Colombia

Video: Bearers of hope - Risks and challenges for human rights lawyers in Colombia

Alirio Uribe, one of the most affected persons at the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers ´ Collective, in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, while he gave a workshop to Arhuaco indigenous people. Photo: Sebastian Roetters

Human rights lawyers dedicate their lives to representing victims in cases of forces disappearances, extrajudicial executions and massacres. But working on emblematic cases comes with a very high price. In Colombia, where 90% of human rights violations remain in impunity, stigmatisation, threats and persecution are part of the daily pressures these lawyers must face. In this video, some of the lawyers who are accompanied by PBI speak about their risks and motivations to continue defending victims of human rights violations.


Dur: 08:00


Publication: 9 June 2011


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