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Urgent Action: Amnesty International Possible Disappearance/Fear for Safety

Urgent Action: Amnesty International Possible Disappearance/Fear for Safety

"Manuel Ponce Rosas and Raúl Lucas Lucía were abducted on 13 February in Ayutla de los Libres municipality, Guerrero State by armed men who local human rights organizations believe may be connected to the authorities. Their whereabouts remain unknown and Amnesty International is concerned that they may have been subjected to forced disappearance.

At the time of their abduction, the two members of the Organization for the Development of Mixtec Indigenous Peoples (Organización para el Desarrollo del Pueblo Mixteco, ODPM) were attending an event marking the beginning of the building of a local secondary school in the town of Ayutla de los Libres."


See Urgent Action on Amnesty International´s website