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The Sir Henry Brooke Awards with PBI UK

The Sir Henry Brooke Awards with PBI UK

Earlier last month, PBI UK and the Alliance for Lawyers at Risk awarded three lawyers from Latin America the Sir Henry Brooke Award for their work in defending human rights in their countries. The winners of the award are Donald Hernandez from Honduras and Maricela Vázquez and Carla Palacios from Mexico.

The late Sir Henry Brooke was a man who dedicated his life and career to standing up for justice, equality and human rights. He was a barrister at Fountain Court Chambers and later served as a High Court Judge. He chaired the Bar’s Race Relations Committee and introduced racial awareness training for English magistrates and judges.

Sir Henry became a patron of PBI UK in 2006 after stepping down from the bench and founded the Alliance for Lawyers at Risk in 2010. He contributed enormously to PBI’s work through generous contributions, life-saving intervention letters, and making statements to protect lives of legal practitioners around the world.

The awards are a tribute to his legacy and to recognize defenders who have worked hard to build peace and strengthen the rule of law in their communities. The Sir Henry Brooke Awards celebrate selflessness, courage and commitment to seeking justice for the oppressed and the marginalized. Donald Hernandez, Marciela Vásquez and Carla Palacios all carry these qualities that are celebrated in the award.

Donald Hernandez is a Honduran lawyer who works to pursue justice for environmental defenders and protects the rights of marginalized communities against powerful interests. He is the coordinator of human rights and natural resources of the Honduran Centre for the Promotion of Community Development (CEHPRODEC).

Donald works with grassroots communities living on affected lands and helps indigenous groups understand their rights under national and international law. Donald has demonstrated bravery and dedication to human rights amidst intense hostility, considering criminalization rates against HRDs in Honduras.

Marciela Vásquez and Carla Palacios are Mexican lawyers who work for the Paso del Norte Human Rights Centre. Their work involves representing families who have been victims of torture and forced disappearances. They work in an environment characterized by executions, corrupt officials, impunity and widespread gender-based violence.

Despite having received constant pressure and threats from state and federal authorities, they have carried on with their work. Both women are determined and committed to grassroots human rights work in an environment of extreme danger. Marciela and Carla are featured in Manu Valcarce’s film La Busqueda, that covers the work of those who fight for truth on behalf the 40,000 individuals who have disappeared in Mexico.

The awards were presented by Lord Phillips KG QC, the first president of the Supreme Court of Justice, at the London headquarters of the law firm Linklaters LLP.

Read a full coverage of the event here from PBI UK.