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A peace award

A peace award

Article published in the special Newsletter '15 years of PBI', October 2009

Belgium Country Group

In September 2007 the PBI Belgium country group, along with Broederlijk Denle, organised  a press conference as part of the visit of Gildardo and Nohelia, two representatives from the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó. 

The Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, which PBI accompanies, received the 20th Peace Award from the city of Aix-la-Chapelle. This distinction was granted due to the daily work of the community in favour of the construction of peace despite the ongoing threats they faced. The Italian city of Ovada followed the example of Aix-la-Chapelle and granted them the Testimone di Pace 2007 award. 

On this trip, Gildardo and Nohelia also visited Brussels, where they met with members of Parliament and officials from the European Commission. The representatives explained the grave difficulties they face due to their effort to provide a non-violent response to the challenge represented by the simple will to exist. Unfortunately, this does not remove them from danger.


Recognised for an ideal 

PBI receives the Ennals prize for its work accompanying human rights defenders

Manon Schick, volunteer from Switzerland (2003-4)

«The PBI volunteers are a direct expression of international concern about human rights defenders in the field.  Their courage and dedication express the highest ideals about the defence of human rights.  In the year they dedicate to being a volunteer, those who risk their lives calmly whilst being fully aware of the cause they are supporting deserve this prize more than anyone». 

This speech was made by Hans Thoolen, President of the Martin Ennals Foundation on handing over the prize to PBI for its work in Colombia in 2001.  This was the first and only time that this prize was awarded to an NGO and not a human rights defender.

«The death penalty that hangs over each of us has not been carried out because we are not alone, Peace Brigades International accompanies us», stated a Colombian human rights defender during the ceremony in Geneva.

The Martin Ennals prize was also awarded, in 2003, to one of the most well known Colombian human rights defenders, Alirio Uribe, a lawyer with the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective.  The lawyer thanked PBI for their accompaniment by saying: «I think that the accompaniment of PBI is the most effective protection for us as human rights defenders.  A non-violent, political accompaniment is much more effective than armed bodyguards».