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PBI Special Report. Breaking cycles of repression: ending impunity

PBI Special Report. Breaking cycles of repression: ending impunity



Silence-Impunity-Confl ict: breaking a dangerous cycle  page 3
Colombia: forced disappearances, displacement and impunity   page 4
Guatemala: The International Commission against  Impunity  page 6
Human rights and hate crimes: sexual identity  page 7
Barriers to justice in Mexico  page 8
The search for justice for crimes of the past:  Tita Radilla and AFADEM  page 9
Military and police in Indonesia: a culture of impunity  page 10
Papua: truth, justice and reparations  page 11
Nepal: the search for justice  page 12
Organisations accompanied by PBI  page 14
Recommendations  page 15
List of PBI contacts   page 16