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PBI Nepal and Human Rights day in Bardiya

PBI Nepal and Human Rights day in Bardiya

The town of Gulariya (Bardiya), base of PBI Nepal’s field office, saw a range of activities on Human Rights day: a protest rally by the Sukumbasis, a celebrative rally for dalit rights, and the filing of crime reports by Advocacy Forum.

The rally from the landless people (photo below) was a reaction to recent events in Kailali district. Demonstrators demanded that perpetrators be punished and that those killed be declared martyrs.

The dalit rights' rally was organised by DAFUO, PBI Nepal’s partner, in cooperation with other dalit NGOs based in Bardiya district with the aim of raising awareness on issues surrounding dalit (the 'untouchables' cast) and their rights.


Advocacy Forum (AF) tried filing several crime reports throughout the country on Human Rights day. AF Bardiya drafted two crime reports to be filed relating to the extrajudicial killing by the state of Sohan Lal Tharu, Rada Kishun Tharu and Surya Lal Tharu.  PBI Nepal volunteers accompanied AF and a representative of the National Human Rights Commission to the police for the filing.  The police refused to file either case. (AF press statement)