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PBI Nepal accompanies HRDs across Nepal on Human Rights Day

PBI Nepal accompanies HRDs across Nepal on Human Rights Day

On 10 December 2009, International Human Rights Day, PBI Nepal accompanied Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) across Nepal as they stepped up their fight against impunity. Six international volunteers were active in the field accompanying HRDs.

As Nepal remains at an impasse on peace agreement and constitution building processes, the human rights community, locally, nationally and internationally tries to maintain the pressure on state and political actors to end the impunity under which the country is subjected. These actions by Human Rights Defenders put them and their families at risk of threat and intimidation, if not worse.

Advocacy Forum lawyers across the country on HR day have collectively attempted to file official crime reports for twenty eight cases of disappearance and extra judicial killing in twelve districts with the support of PBI Nepal’s accompaniment at some of the most sensitive locations.  However, authorities have refused to file the crime reports alleging the need to speak to ‘senior officials’ first.  (Full press release)  The filing of such reports places lawyers in the frontline with police and civil authorities.

This week Bardiya district, base of PBI Nepal’s field office, has been the scene of intense international advocacy for investigation and justice, as the district most heavily affected by conflict related disappearance, with a visit by nine international envoys. Despite OHCHR and the National Human Rights Commission documentation on the cases and a Nepal Supreme Court ruling in 2007, none have been officially investigated. (full press release).

PBI is on an ongoing accompaniment of a HRD and his family who are currently under protective relocation in Kathmandu. This relates to a case of disappearances from the conflict.