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PBI Mexico: Public admission of responsibility by the Mexican state in the case of Valentina Rosendo

PBI Mexico: Public admission of responsibility by the Mexican state in the case of Valentina Rosendo

Mexico City, - On Thursday December 15 a ceremony will take place to formally acknowledge the Mexican State's international responsibility, as mandated by the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) in the Case of Valentina Rosendo Cantú. Peace Brigades International (PBI) welcomes this event, which is extremely important to repair the damage caused to Valentina Rosendo and a fundamental step towards the fulfilment of commitments made to her by the Mexican State and with the signing and ratification of the international human rights Conventions.

The resolution of the Court notified on October 1 2010, determined that in 2002 Valentina Rosendo and Inés Fernándezwere raped and tortured by Mexican soldiers in the state of Guerrero. PBI provides international accompaniment to both human rights defenders due to the risk they face.

Below, we would like to share the invitation from Valentina Rosendo Cantú, sent through the Human Rights Centre of La Montaña 'Tlachinollan', an organization defending the case and accompanied by PBI.

Tlachinollan Invitation: Public event for Valentina Rosendo

On behalf of Valentina Rosendo Cantú, you are invited to participate at a public event in which the Mexican State will publicly acknowledge its responsibility for the human rights violations committed against her. The event will take place on Thursday, December 15 at 9:00 am at the Museum for Memory and Tolerance [Museo de la Memoria y Tolerancia] located in the Historic Centre of Mexico City. The event was ordered as part of the ruling issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, notified to the Mexican authorities on October 1 2010.

The implementation of the public acknowledgment of responsibility is of major importance for Valentina Rosendo Cantú and it is an essential tool in restorative justice. Moreover, it is a significant ceremony for those who, like you, are concerned with human rights situation in Mexico, both nationally and internationally.

As pointed out by Carlos Martin Beristain: "The acts of public acknowledgment of responsibility are very sensitive measures, since they have a strong symbolic component in the recognition of the injustice committed against the victims and their dignity. They involve public commitments by the State in preventing violations, and they represent landmark moments in setting new trends in the relationship with the State".

We know that distances are a barrier for some of you to join us in person, but hopefully you can follow the act via live stream that can be accessed at:

More information

Tlachinollan’s Campaign: Fulfilling the Verdicts to Break the Wall of Impunity

<media 7713>Mexico before the Inter-American Court</media>, Bulletin 29, PBI Mexico, October 2010

PBI accompaniment to Valentina Rosendo Cantú