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PBI Mexico: New video featuring Alma Garcia, from the Fray Juan de Larios Diocese Center for Human Rights, aboout disappearances in Coahuila

PBI Mexico: New video featuring Alma Garcia, from the Fray Juan de Larios Diocese Center for Human Rights, aboout disappearances in Coahuila

Mexico D.F., 14 November 2013. Watch the video featuring Alma García, from the Fray Juan de Larios Diocese Center for Human Rights, about disappearances in Coahuila. Fray Juan de Larios supports the families organized at the United Forces for Our Disappeared in Coahuila (FUUNDEC).

The families and human rights defenders have demanded from local and federal authorities the search for the disappeared and attention to the victims. They have denounced the involvement of public employees in some cases and lack of attention by authorities to the problem.

You can also listen to the podcast of the event organized by the Solicitor's International Human Rights Group (SIHRG) about disappearances in Mexico. The video featuring Alma García was shown during the event.