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PBI Mexico: More attacks and harassment against members of the OPIM

PBI Mexico: More attacks and harassment against members of the OPIM

Members of the Organization of the Indigenous Me´Phaa People (OPIM), an organization accompanied by PBI, with an office in Ayutla de los Libres (Guerrero) have condemned the recent acts of  aggression against them. The Interamerican Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) recognized that the people working in indigenous organizations in this region are highly vulnerable, and through this the court granted precautionary measures in favor of the members of OPIM and other organization in the region in April, 2009.

On August 24 2011 Santiago García, one of the recipients of the IACtHR precautionary measures, was assaulted in the OPIM office whilst other members of the organization were gathering. During the night the victim heard knocking on the door and on opening the door, he was held by two men who said to him “ We´re going to kill you asshole, leave your house and we´ll kill you.” He identified his attackers as  Romualdo and Isidoro Remigio Cantú, the latter had a dagger shaped jackknife ( a large penknife) and injured Justino in the arm. On hearing Justino shouting for help, two other OPIM member came to the rescue, but both attackers fled. Justino Santiago García received first aid but for fear of another attack could not go to the local hospital until the following day.  On 26th August a complaint was made at the prosecution office in Ayutla de los libres.

This incident happened as a result of the election of Crisóforo Manzanares Lorenzo, also a member of OPIM, as Municipal Commissioner in El Camalote in February 2011. Justino Santiago García was chosen as vice Municipal Commissioner. Since then, they have been suffering harassment and threats through which Crisóforo has not been able to effectively use his position.

These events are not isolated, given that members of OPIM have been subjected to constant acts of aggression in the past months. On June 6, in the OPIM office doorway in Ayutla, a group of soldiers obstructed  Obtilia Eugenio Manuel (president of the organization), Cuauhtémoc Ramírez Rodriguez (secretary) as well as other members of OPIM´s path. Moreover, Obtilia was hit by the soldiers.
10 days later both Obtilia and  Cuauhtémoc received a threatening note in which their lawyers from the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center were also mentioned. Like Obtilia Eugenio Manuel and Cuauhtémoc Ramírez Rodriguez, some members of  Tlachinollan enjoy precautionary measures granted by the IACtHR.

Lastly on June 29, Rafael Rodríguez Dircio, another member of OPIM and recipient of precautionary measures was detained. Afterwards on July 5 he was set free by the judge in Ayutla de los Libres on the grounds of insufficient evidence to be accused. The accusation that he faced was based on evidence that had been repeatedly dismissed by other courts. Rafael Rodríguez Dircio declared himself innocent and explained that the accusation sought to halt his work in OPIM.

PBI has accompanied members of the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center since 2003, and the Organization of the Indigenous Me´Phaa people (OPIM) since February 2005.

For more information on the threats see the Urgent Action issued by CHRM Tlachinollan (Spanish only)