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PBI Mexico: Inés and Valentina present a formal demand before the National Attorney General's Office that their cases be investigated under the civilian justice system, Tlachinollan

PBI Mexico: Inés and Valentina present a formal demand before the National Attorney General's Office that their cases be investigated under the civilian justice system, Tlachinollan

Mexico City – In a press conference on July 28, the indigenous women Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú, together with Obtilia Eugenio Manuel, President of the Organización del Pueblo Indígena Me’phaa (OPIM - Organization of the Indigenous Me'Phaa People) and Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, a legal representative from the Centro de Derechos Humanos de La Montaña 'Tlachinollan' ('Tlachinollan' Human Rights Centre of La Montaña), announced the actions taken by Inés and Valentina to demand that the investigations and trials in relation to the rape and torture of both women by members of the military be referred to the civilian justice syst

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ordered eight months ago that the civilian authorities carry out an effective investigation into the rapes and bring those responsible before a civilian tribunal. Vidulfo Rosales Sierra of Tlachinollan claimed during the press conference that this ruling has not yet been implemented.

Download Tlachinollan's communication <media 7888>here (spanish version)</media>.

PBI has provided accompaniment to the Organisation of the Indigenous Me'phaa People, including Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú, since 2005, as well as the members of the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center of La Montaña since 2003.