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PBI Mexico: Bar Human Rights Committe representatives to visit Mexico next week

PBI Mexico: Bar Human Rights Committe representatives to visit Mexico next week

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) will send a delegation of lawyers to Mexico from 19 to 24 September 2011. The aim of the visit is to support the work of human rights defenders (HRDs) through meetings with HRDs themselves, Mexican authorities and diplomats in Mexico City, Guerrero and Oaxaca. In the context of these meetings, the delegation will follow up the results of the work of his previous visit.

This is the second time that members of the BHRC visit Mexico. Already in 2009 they shared information and views with representatives of the Civil Society and Mexican authorities. They heard their testimonies and noted concerns of HRDs around the deficiencies of the Mexican justice system and about harassments against them due to their demands for fundamental rights. As a result of this visit, the BHRC published a report entitled 'Recalling the Rule of Law', and presented to the House of Lords in July 2010. It will be launched in Mexico next week.

The BHRC is the specialized human rights unit of the Bar of England and Wales, an independent body whose main concern is protecting the rights of lawyers and judges around the world, defending the rule of law and internationally recognized legal standards relating to rights to due process and fair trial.

More Information

<media 8050>'Recalling the Rule of Law': A report on the protection of human rights defenders and the rule of law in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca</media>, Mexico, July 2010.