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New book published: 258 Dark Days

New book published: 258 Dark Days

Jit Man with PBI Volunteer outside the Supreme Court of Nepal

Jit Man with PBI Volunteer outside the Supreme Court of Nepal

Jit Man Basnet, human rights defender and journalist from Nepal has today published his new book, 258 Dark Days.

>> Order your copy of the book today

Jit Man was arrested by the Nepalese army in 2004 and held for almost nine months in a Kathmandu army barracks where he was repeatedly tortured.

His book, 258 Dark Days, which is published today in English, is an account of his own experiences and also of the accounts he heard from other detainees.

When the book was first published in Nepalese in March 2007, Jit Man received death threats and was eventually forced to leave the country. At the time he was accompanied by volunteers from PBI.

Sponsored by PBI Jit Man has just finished a successful European speaking tour with where he had the opportunity to meet politicians government officials, academics and other Human Rights Defenders.

He has now returned to his home country and with the new publication of his book is again fighting openly for human rights and justice in Nepal. PBI continues to work with him to maximise his security and protection.

Watch the video clip of Jit Man talking about his experiences

Jit Man Basnet was supported in the publication of 258 Dark Days by the Asian Human Rights Commission and Advocacy Forum.