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Middle East and North Africa: PBI calls for protection of human rights defenders

Middle East and North Africa: PBI calls for protection of human rights defenders

Observing current events throughout the Middle East and North Africa, PBI stands with the world human rights community to call on authorities, and to remind all other governments around the world, to respect their people’s rights to peaceful and non-violent protest, and especially their freedoms of expression, assembly and association.

PBI directs particular attention to the role of human rights defenders, whose non-violent activities are critical to conflict resolution, stability and sustainable models of development in all countries.

Human rights defenders are women and men whose struggle against heavy odds is frequently targeted by threats and violence; women, and human rights defenders from minority groups are often particularly victimised.

The authorities of every state have an obligation to protect and facilitate the work of human rights defenders and other civil society activists – who may be their nationals or foreigners legitimately in the country – and who struggle to prevent and remedy abuses and violations of international law, whether in times of peace or war.

At this time, PBI calls specifically on authorities to:

  • prevent intimidation and violence against human rights defenders, and to ensure they are not harassed, arbitrarily arrested or detained; and
  • protect media workers, allow the operations of independent media, and lift restrictions on public access to information.

About PBI

PBI is an international Non-Governmental Organisation that has been promoting nonviolence and protecting human rights since 1981. We believe that lasting transformation of conflicts cannot be imposed from outside, but must be based on the capacities, desires and action of local people.