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Ligia María Chaverra, community leader of the Curbaradó Humanitarian Zones

Ligia María Chaverra, community leader of the Curbaradó Humanitarian Zones

Photo: Charlotte Kesl

“We want and demand that the Government return our lands to us cleanly and with dignity, so that we may work freely, to try to live out our dreams or to leave and travel wherever we like, as we once could…we want them to return it to us in this way. That is what we are struggling for. By way of the Humanitarian Zones we have been able to denounce what they did to us, the theft they used to drive us from here. And we have been able to demand our rights. It has been difficult because they threaten us, but we are demanding what is just, and what is real. And what we say is no lie: for this reason wherever we go, we invite other communities: ‘Come! Come back to the land so that you might be direct witnesses of what we say.’”