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Investigate into the suspicious death of Purna Sunuwar, father of Maina Sunuwar

Investigate into the suspicious death of Purna Sunuwar, father of Maina Sunuwar

Mr. Sunuwar was found dead nearby a jungle at Dandagaun VDC Ward No.1, a village in the vicinity of his residence at Kharelthok VDC, Kavre. The police had found his body lying supine on the graveled road through the jungle at around 1 O'clock on 9 October 2009.  He had left his home in the morning that day. His wife Devi Sunuwar had filed an application at Ward Police Post as he didn't return home. On 13 October, he was identified by a local human rights defender when the police had decided to dump the body, which had started showing signs of decay.

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