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Ingrid Vergara

Ingrid Vergara

Ingrid Vergara. Photo: Charlotte Kesl

Ingrid Vergara is the spokesperson for MOVICE Sucre Chapter and has dedicated her life to defending human rights. A survivor of the genocide against the Patriotic Union (UP) political party, she is a woman who is sure that she is doing the right thing, and is confident in her decisions. “We will not leave this place, it is our home,” she says. Ingrid, a mother, protects her children without hiding them from the reality of which they are part. Sadly, her children have been the targets of surveillance and threats, although this has never kept Ingrid from continuing her struggle to demand truth and justice.[1]

[1]Acción Urgente: Amenazas contra Cendy Paola Torres Vergara”, Equipo de Protección MOVICE, 30 March 2011