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Event: "Improving Protection and Ensuring Participation of Land and Environment Defenders in All Business Initiatives and Discussions"

Event: "Improving Protection and Ensuring Participation of Land and Environment Defenders in All Business Initiatives and Discussions"

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

a joint programme of

The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)

and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

in partnership with

CIDSE, Franciscans International, Peace Brigades International (PBI)

Invite you to a side event at the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights entitled Improving Protection and Ensuring Participation of Land and Environment Defenders in All Business Initiatives and Discussions

3 December 2014, 8:00am - 9:30am Palais des Nations, Room IX

Join us for an interactive dialogue around the difficulties and challenges faced by Land and Environment defenders and how to better protect them.

Featuring voices from the grassroots:
Irrael Manuel Aguilar Solano, Colombia
Donald Hernàndez Palma, Honduras
Jaybee Garganera, Philippines

A video message from:
Hila Elver, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

And a presentation of the Observatory’s Annual Report

Interpretation will be provided in English and Spanish
For more information, contact: f.restifo(at)