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CSO: CSO urge the EU to deal with the deterioration of human rights in Mexico

CSO: CSO urge the EU to deal with the deterioration of human rights in Mexico

  • In relation to the bilateral human rights dialogue between the European Union (EU) and Mexico, civil organizations urge the EU to tackle issues of major concern regarding the human rights situation in Mexico.
  • They also urge that the bilateral political dialogue between the Mexican government and the European Union conclude with transparency and ensure effective mechanisms for dialogue with civil society.

Press release

Mexico DF on October 18, 2012.- As part of the Third Meeting of the Bilateral Dialogue on Human Rights between Mexico and the EU, held on October 19 in Mexico City, mexican civil society organizations promoting human rights urge that this mechanism contribute to creating proposals in order to reverse the deterioration to the human rights situation which Mexico has experienced in recent years.

We also hope that the bilateral Mexico-EU Dialogue will ensure the inclusion of civil society and generate effective mechanisms in order to insure participation and provide input, as well as measures to guarantee transparency and accountability regarding the questions raised and commitments undertaken during the dialogue.

This considering that in the past only a brief press release was issued, and civil society organizations did not have access to working documents and final agreements reached. Moreover, the agenda and methodology for the preparatory work of the Third Dialogue was not transparent and collaboration in drawing up the agenda and topics to be discussed was not allowed. We therefore reiterate the call for both the recommendations made and the agreements reached be made public and that participation mechanisms are insured.

Civil society organizations also emphasize our concern regarding the seminar on human rights organized previous to the dialogue in order for Mexican and European civil society organizations to exchange ideas and formulate recommendations on the subject. However, the Mexican authorities failed to ensure the participation of government representatives in the seminar to listen the concerns of civil society and include their concerns in the dialogue. We also denounce that topics of discussion have been extremely limited, excluding issues of great concern such as the militarization of public security and the prevalence of torture and that a large number of civil society organizations have been excluded from the event. Once again, the Foreign Ministry open spaces without methodology or criteria, which prevents us from believing in their willingness to dialogue and share actions and diagnosis.

Under these circumstances, we emphasize that the crisis of violence and impunity, which has grown in recent years, has significantly affected the validity of human rights throughout the Republic. In this sense, and as Mexico is a strategic country for the EU, we encourage European authorities to guarantee participatory and transparent dialogue in order to deal with the problems currently faced in the country. Furthermore, we urge the Mexican government, in a context of transition to ensure transparency in the matters addressed, and commitments and mechanisms to follow up the process.

SIGNATORIES: Urgent Action for Human Rights Defenders (Acción Urgente para los Defensores de los Derechos Humanos, ACUDDEH); Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (CMDPDH); 'Tlachinollan' Human Rights Centre of the Montaña (Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña 'Tlachinollan'); World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT); Red Mesa de Mujeres de Ciudad Juárez; Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center (Center Prodh); Just Associates (JASS); Propuesta Cívica, A.C.; ‘All Rights for All’ Network (Red ‘Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos’, RDTDT) (comprised of 73 organisations in 22 Mexican states).


Communication Area

'Tlachinollan' Human Rights Centre of the Montaña
Román Hernández -Atziri Ávila
Phone: 01 757 476 37 04 /476 12 20
Fax: 01 (757) 476 12 00
Mobile: (045) 757 106 6095
Skype: tlachinollan


More information

Documento leido en la reunión del de Diálogo Político entre la Unión Europea y de México en materia de Derechos Humanos para el Diálogo Político (Spanish), 19 de octubre de 2012.