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Andrés Gil, spokesperson for the ACVC

Andrés Gil, spokesperson for the ACVC

“We demand that the State permit social movements and the left to exist in Colombia. Social movements are subjected to constant attacks, to baseless judicial prosecutions and murders of popular leaders, and also to conditioning processes so that the left does not speak out, in which companies only contract workers under the condition that they do not protest and they have taken away our right to strike […]. If social movements are allowed to articulate themselves in this way, it is possible to create a mobilisation that changes the prejudice of the government with regards to dialogue. That also depends on all of society to change the conditioning of the uribista era in the sense that dialogue represented defeat before the insurgency or a concession to the extreme left. If we achieve this change, we will show people on the national panorama that there is a sector of the population that favours dialogue.”