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Country groups: Exhibitions to raise awareness

Country groups: Exhibitions to raise awareness


Article published in the special Newsletter '15 years of PBI', October 2009

Lise Corpataux, Switzerland country group

In November 2008, the PBI Switzerland country group inaugurated the «Justice and Peace» exhibition. This photo exhibition, which was completed by Jorge Mata, a former PBI Colombia volunteer, presents some of the symbolic moments of the paramilitary demobilisation process undertaken as part of Law 975, also known as the «Justice and Peace» Law. 

Up to now, the exhibition has been presented in four Swiss cities, attracting a large public and increasing awareness of PBI Colombia’s work. 

PBI Switzerland’s inauguration of the exhibitions was initiated and encouraged by the success of «Frente a la Paz» (« Face à la paix/Facing peace »), a travelling exhibition presented throughout the country in 2007 and 2008. This exhibition presented the experiences of eight former Swiss volunteers that participated in five PBI projects, and included a presentation of PBI Colombia through the perspectives of Manon Schick and Markus Bettler, who worked with the project in 2004 and 2005-2006, respectively.