April 2020 - PBI awarded the Gernika Prize for Peace and Reconciliation 2020 from the municipality of Gernika-Lumo. The prize is awarded in the framework of the commemoration of the 1937 bombing which devastated the community, and recognizes “people and institutions that stand out due to their contribution to conflict transformation”.
September 2016 - PBI awarded the International Catalan Institute for Peace’s Peace Builders Award for 2016. The aim of this award is to celebrate and publicly recognise people, entities or institutions who have “made outstanding and extensive contributions in promoting and building peace”.
December 2007 - Kevin Freedman, a recently returned PBI Indonesia Project Volunteer, won the 2007 Winnipeg, Canada YMCA-YWCA Peace Medal. The YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg marks YMCA World Peace Week by engaging people of all ages in exploring peace and integrating peace building activities into in their personal lives.
December 2006 - International Service Human Rights Award for the defence of Human Rights of Women was awarded jointly to Dominga Vasquez (the first indigenous woman mayor of Solola, Guatemala) and Helen Woodcock, a PBI volunteer from the UK. Dominga had received multiple death threats because of her work in promoting the rights of women and indigenous people. She was accompanied by the PBI Guatemala team including Helen.
March 2001 - The Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders was awarded to PBI for providing unarmed protection to human rights defenders under threat. The Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders (MEA) was created in 1993 and is granted annually to an individual or an organization who has displayed exceptional courage in combatting human rights violations. The award of 20,000 Swiss Francs is given to further the work of human rights activists.
February 2001 - 2001 Nobel Peace Prize nomination from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). In the nomination letter, AFSC highlighted Peace Brigades International’s mission statement, which states: “PBI has for more than twenty years worked to open a space for peace in which conflicts can be addressed in a nonviolent way. PBI applies a strategy of international presence and concern that supports local initiatives and contributes to developing a culture of peace and justice”
December 1999 - Human Rights Prize awarded by the town of Weimar, Germany to long-time PBI activist Heike Kammer for her work as a volunteer on PBI teams in Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala.
September 1999 - Aachener International Peace Prize awarded by the Aquisgran Foundation in Germany for the “exemplary work of PBI volunteers in Colombia.”
March 1999 - Citation from the Guatemalan Congress in recognition of the contribution PBI made to the peace process in Guatemala.
1999 - Seivershausen Peace Prize awarded by a German anti-war centre in recognition of the peace education work of the PBI Haiti Project.
1999 - Medalla Comemorativa de la Paz, awarded by the Rigoberta Menchú Túm Foundation for PBI’s contribution to promoting the peace to which the foundation and its founder (Rigoberta Menchú, 1992 Nobel Peace Prize winner) are dedicated.
1996 - Pfeffer International Peace Prize awarded by Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA) to PBI for two decades of service to human rights workers, indigenous peoples, refugees and others through the provision of life-saving accompaniment programmes. The Prize commemorates the work of Leo Pfeffer, a distinguished jurist and theoretician on the separation of church and state and religious freedom. The prize honours individuals and organisations working non-violently for social change.
December 1995 - Memorial de la Paz y la Solidaridad entre los Pueblos awarded by Fundacion Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ - Argentina) in recognition for PBI’s solidarity with those committed to building peace with justice in Colombia and Guatemala.
1995 - Friedrich Siegmund Schultz Peace Prize awarded in Germany by the Protestant Community of Conscientious Objectors in recognition of PBI’s work on non-violent intervention to support civilians in areas of conflict.
1989 - Memorial Per La Pau “Josep Vidal I Llecha.” A Catalan peace prize awarded to PBI for the promotion of nonviolent action, dialog, and commitment to nonviolent conflict resolution especially in Central America.